
About Us
Metaverse Agency is the very first representating and consulting cryptoarts agency

Metaverse Agency is focused on the digital arts segment.
All properties are validated as NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), and registered in cryptocoin blockchains.
Metaverse supports the digital art movement by promoting and managing cryptographic NFT artists and their cryptographic NFTs.
We are at the vanguard of the migration process of physical art to dgital. We assist the digital artists, art collectors and enthusiasts of this new segment of art.
Cryptoartists management
Cryptoart Consulting
Collectible Items
Design of Metaverse
Brazilian, international producer.
In the last years Byron Mendes has been organizing and producing both national and international events related to arts and culture.
Coordenou eventos em importantes cidades mundiais: Frankfurt, Brasília, Nova York, Londres e Paris, e atualmente se dedica a projetos voltados à criptoarte.
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